To order a doll, please let me know which doll you would like to order and whether porcelain or fabric.
I will get back to you immediately and confirm pricing and a shipping date. Please confirm that this date is acceptable by email to LadyFinavon@Mac.com and I will send you an electronic invoice for 15% of the quoted price which can be paid online by PayPal or credit card or by bank transfer. I will then start work on your doll (either a new creation or the 'sprucing up' and preparation for shipping of an existing doll) and then send you photographs of your doll. If you are happy, I will then send two further invoices; one a design fee (+ shipping if not included in the quoted price) and the other to accompany the doll. If you are not happy (there is always a first time!), I will refund the deposit.
Invoicing: Fabric Porcelain
Initial holding deposit 15% 15%
Design & shipping 50% 60% + actual shipping & insurance cost
Packaged doll mailed 35% 25%
Total quoted price 100% 100%
If you are happy, once all invoices have been paid, I will ship the doll and let you have tracking information. Please note other terms and conditions of orders below:
Other Terms & Conditions
This website and all marketing materials are intended to provide a good representation of the doll that will be shipped to you. However, while using all reasonable efforts to provide as close a representation of the doll advertised as I can, I may have to change colours, fabrics, trimmings and the design of accessories if the doll is to be created following your order (as opposed to being on hand before an order is placed). Dolls will be described on shipment documents as "original work of art", consequently, they should be free of customs duty - although if this is not the case in your country, any customs charges will be for your account. Customers are also responsible for any taxes (like sales tax or VAT) that may be applicable in your own country which, if levied, should be based on the price of the doll (i.e. excluding shipping, handling and design costs).
Should you need to return the doll because of in–transit damage, please first email me to obtain instructions. If you are instructed to return a damaged doll, it must be sent by surface mail unless otherwise agreed in writing. I will not credit customers for charges incurred such as brokerage, courier, airmail et cetera unless agreed upfront when the authorisation is given. Please note that I reserve the right to refuse a credit if the doll was not damaged during shipping.